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Many people like to wear earrings, but the earrings in the market are sold in pairs, but we often see many people only wear them on the left or right ear. What is the meaning of wearing earrings on the left and right
In general, boys wearing earrings in their left ear when they have no girlfriend means: healing or playing cool. If they have a girlfriend, boys wearing earrings in their left ear means: you are my love. When a girl is single, wearing earrings in her left ear means commemorating a love. When she is accompanied by her boyfriend, wearing earrings in her left ear means that she wants to spend her life with the person I love Another saying is that it doesn't matter which side girls take. If men take it, it doesn't matter. It's normal to take only the left, but it may be gay if only the right
Unlike women's habit of wearing earrings, most boys only wear one ear. I don't know if you have found that it is common for boys to wear earrings in the left ear, while it is not so common for boys to wear earrings in the right ear. Some older boys wear earrings and earrings in their left ears. It is said that this is because in the folk, earrings and earrings are also called "Pendant". The old people wear earrings on the boy's left ear and take the homonym of "Pendant" to express their hope for his healthy growth. As for why they should be worn on the left ear, this is because China has always advocated men's left and women's right. Influenced by this tradition, wearing earrings on the left ear of boys is naturally more in line with cultural habits and more common than wearing earrings on the right ear of boys.




Address:Room 601, No. 4, Second Lane, North Side of Fumin Road, Xiabian, Houjie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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